1. Digital input voltage is detected by the relay, but the Di is not active

Solution: Check in the MVR USW “Control--Device IO--Digital Input Settings”, DI(4~x) Activation th and Release th should be set to the right value, for example activation 24/110V and release 10V.

2. When an alarm is triggered, the outputs and led's associated with it are actuated, but there is no display on the panel.

Solution: Check in the MVR USW “Tools--Events And Logs--Set Alarm Events”, you can look up their event codes in the designers handbook and tick them off in here and click set.

3. After you've set up the relay's ip address and put the network up, you find that external and relay are not communicating.

Solution: Check in the MVR USW “Communication--Protocols--ModbusTCP”, you need to set the "ModbusTCP enable" to Enabled.